Thursday, December 10, 2009


So glad to know i now have ONE follower! thank you, libbz!

today was THE slowest day at work in the history of slow days at work. we had a total of 5 patients all day! steph and i were the only nurses on the floor and actually, it was quite fun! we measured/compared arm length, leg length, back length, hand length, and stature. also, i took my own blood pressure, drank 4 cups of coffee, and looked at fashion magazines for an hour! then stephanie did a pulmonary function test (PFT) on me as well as a bone density. and may i just say my hip bone is perfect!!! and my PFT was great too!!

anyway, now i'm home and should be doing something productive. i like to think that updating my one follower on my life happenings IS productive. it is, right, libby?

so...i'm gonna go sit by the fireplace and think happy thoughts. bye smelly cat.