Monday, October 4, 2010

a year later...

Hello. So, it's been a while. i am aware.

Life has changed a bit. I bought a house back in March and am loving being a homeowner. :) I have two wonderful ladies who reside in said house with me. There's always something to do around the house but i enjoy it for the most part.

Still loving my job at the Born Clinic! Currently, I am training an intern from Davenport. Keeps things interesting. It's weird having someone follow me EVERYWHERE! even the bathroom...jk.

I'm about to head out for dinner with mom, dad, and my grandparents. should be a good time. free food never hurt anyone either.
so for now...

laissez faire.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


So glad to know i now have ONE follower! thank you, libbz!

today was THE slowest day at work in the history of slow days at work. we had a total of 5 patients all day! steph and i were the only nurses on the floor and actually, it was quite fun! we measured/compared arm length, leg length, back length, hand length, and stature. also, i took my own blood pressure, drank 4 cups of coffee, and looked at fashion magazines for an hour! then stephanie did a pulmonary function test (PFT) on me as well as a bone density. and may i just say my hip bone is perfect!!! and my PFT was great too!!

anyway, now i'm home and should be doing something productive. i like to think that updating my one follower on my life happenings IS productive. it is, right, libby?

so...i'm gonna go sit by the fireplace and think happy thoughts. bye smelly cat.

Friday, October 2, 2009

testing testing

Hey-O! so, apparently blogging is the thing to do when you move away...but i'm not moving. i just like to write stuffz. also, perhaps i can be the informant of GR news for those who HAVE moved out of our, what is currently, a chilly state.

This leads to our first bit of information. the weather.


let's talk about...gun control? slightly more interesting but not quite what i had in mind for this post. more on THAT later.

art prize! libby, it's too bad you're not here for this. you'd be in utopia. thousands of pieces of art being displayed all over the downtown locale! amazing!

work has been really good. i can honestly say i enjoy it. :) and the paychecks only sweeten the deal.

let's see....what else would my potential readers like to know? umm. perhaps nothing. plus, i'm expecting company in like 20 seconds so i don't have time to write much more. i hope you have enjoyed your time with me today and tune in next time when michelle goes to the circus!

(not actually going. merely a pipedream)

and in the words of Lauren Ohlman...hoodle boodles!!